
By momcat1

great blue heron

i am giving up on capitals till i can get my computer in to someone who does mac's , my shift key is sticking on the left after my daughter spilled soy sauce on the key board. fortunately got it mostly cleaned up so it is the only key that sticks. but i am not used to using the right hand shift key so i keep doing things i don't mean to when i hit the wrong key . hence this is edited only because i didn't get anything typed in before i hit the wrong key and posted this. this is from monday actually when we actually got up to montezuma. sadly not a lot of different birds but lots of ducks.
i have been off blip for a few weeks , a combination of taken very few photos, no time to down load, too upset to download, or cleaning. i have been trying for the last month and a half to slog through all of the va''s paperwork for getting rehired( yes even though i just retired last april they are making me go through the whole application process again). it has been a nightmare , partly because the hr person never answers any of my questions, can't open half of what i send her for whatever reason , and getting and sending email at my uncle's is impossible because his isp is awful. and the amount of paperwork i have filled out is ridiculous. i have simultaneously been switching over to medicare which has been another joy as i did not do it when i was 65 so there is a whole lot of back and forth there. this has been all moderately annoying , but added onto that my poor little 6 yr old cat , who acts just fine, has a flat dark lesion on his lip that resulted in a trip tp our vet , a fine needle aspiration  that was inconclusive and a trip to ithaca to a vet oncologist as the concern is it could be a hemangiosarcoma which is very bad. we are awaiting results on a second fna and cxr . if both are negative he gets the thing off which means another trip back to ithaca  for surgery and then we get a definitive diagnosis as it could also just be a benign lesion. this i am really stressing over . if the fna and cxr are positive for mets it means palliative care. hoping for surgery , never thought i would ever say that but given the alternatives it is the best outcome. 

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