Happy 18th Birthday Charlotte

Postponed since end of February but all go for tonight (Saturday).

It’s funny to think that if Charlotte and Cameron hadn’t been greetin’ babies then Fiona and Laura wouldn’t have met and a great friendship of mothers and children for 18 years wouldn't have taken place! it was one of these groups for mother and babies and a person speaking about whatever relevant subject and as Cameron and Charlotte were wailing the speaker asked F and L to leave the room and wait in the corridor. They trooped out, started chatting, tried to comfort each others baby, nothing working and it went from there! I don’t think mothers would be asked to leave the room nowadays lol!

It was a great party, Fiona’s brother is a sound and lighting something or other, he set up the lights for enchanted forest in Pitlochry so the house and garden was transformed and even a disco ball hanging and twinkling away. Charlotte requested a pineapple upside down cake and her Dad made it (delicious). We left at 11 with my mum but Laura , Cameron and Ben didn’t get home till 2am. Seemingly there was tequila shots, karaoke and conga dancing in the street involved…

Earlier, there was a Scone airport open day and Ben and his dad were at it. ACS training were taking people up for a 20 min fly around the area in a little single prop Cessna. Ben was buzzing as he got to sit with the pilot and actually fly the plane! His dad took the video of it all as I didn’t believe him at first as Ben can be prone to exaggerating, but no , he was taking off, flying and landing the plane. What a great experience for him.

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