Growing old disgracefully



Life is made up of both, and the mindful life is no different. I'm learning to live well through the shadier parts as I practice and teach meditation. I've been aware of some low moods this last month. It's not surprising given how hard I have been working and the family circumstances I am working through, but the miserable episodes are like passing clouds. In the old days I would have soon entered a downward spiral that could hold me down for months.

Dentist this morning and two classes in the afternoon, but I was careful to fit in an early morning potter in the garden and then a lunchtime whizz down to the loch on the bike. I had lots of images of wild flowers and birds, but somehow this one spoke most of my day, reflecting on the dark clouds, blue sky and ever shifting patterns of light and shade. Biked down in warm, glorious sunshine and biked back through hailstorms. I liked the sharp sting of the hailstones on my cheeks - it felt good to be alive, fit and healthy and experiencing yet another May - my favourite month.

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