The Light ....

.... is maybe dimly there at the end of the tunnel? What I mean is there are tradesmen back in the Sherborne Arms pub so perhaps it is back on course to be finished and reopened. As usual we know nothing though, we are always in the dark at our end of Northleach. Mrsfb in an unusually pessimistic vein suggested it might be in the process of being converted into a private house, as happened to the other pub, The Red Lion. I am unusually optimistic. After all someone has written on the old sign next to these windows 'Under New Management of JD Wetherspoon'. I sincerely hope not.

Not my greatest photo but probably the best I am going to get today.

In other news I am putting the finishing touches to my print panel for submission at camera club next week. I thought my idea was not bad before I actually started working on it. Now I am back to my more usual pessimistic outlook. It is quite good fun doing it though.

One year ago:
More Alcohol
Now that I have moved on from Elements to Photoshop I ought to have another go at focus stacking.

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