Very tired

The AA finally delivered me to the garage of my choice at 3:30am. I decided to sleep in the van rather than have Mrs IttH collect me in the middle of the night.
Great to discover the Lakes Brewery start loading barrels of beer into lorries at 6am. I'm beyond tired.

Bar one idiot 3rd party recovery agent all the AA staff I dealt with were cheerful and doing their best. Frankly I was better off than most breakdowns, I had a van with independent heating, a bed and bedding. I had food and was somewhere safe. I'd far rather they prioritise the vulnerable.
And people are, mostly, good. 
As the AA moved me to a safe location in Lancaster we stopped at a fuel station to make sure I'd enough fuel to keep the heater going. A chap at the next pump asked if I'd broken down, and unbidden checked if I needed food or a snack, a drink or somewhere to put the van as he lived across the road. Lovely. 
I went to buy a coffee in the station as I paid for fuel, the teenager behind the counter said it was on the house.
I told the staff in McDonald's that I was waiting to be collected and they offered me food and access to the facilities after they locked the door. 

Sometimes life can be a bit crap, but more often than not there are good people about who'll try and help. 

I got home 17hours after I left home for a five hour shift. Bed now. 

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