Before the day turned rubbish

A play in the back field ahead of forecast rain thay arrived on a cold cold wind. 
A productive day and then off to Lancaster for a volunteer shift.
Now the rubbish bit. 
Came out of the centre, started van... Bang, lots of hammering noises from engine. 
Currently well into hour twelve* of waiting for the Recovery man to arrive :-(

*Post script (added much later)... Initially that was a hilarious unseen typo, as two hours was autocorrected to twelve.
Not so hilarious now as I enter hour six with no contact and no plan from the AA. So far 4 Counties Recovery have refused to take me more than six miles up the motorway, I'm guessing Cumbria isn't one of the 4....., the AA have suggested I take a taxi 50 miles home and (this is a genuine quote) "leave the keys in the ignition for the Recovery driver" and I'm now resigned to sleeping on McDonald's car park.
Fortunately I've a bed, heater and sleeping bag (and black out blinds), but arghhhhh. 

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