Moonlight flight

MrsPuff was busy in the garden when I got home from work tonight and had not made her blip yet which was quite unusual. We quickly got change and donned our camera packs and headed off into the sunset. We went done to the Port and Patiti Point tonight, we shot sunsets,and lots of images with the full moon tonight. I was horrified recently by some behaviour on Blip toward another Blipper,I am hooked on Blip and am proud to be a memeber of a community that has respect and honesty toward each other, and I have now seen that first hand with so much support given to a fellow Blipper. Thank you all so much. Before MrsPuff become a Blipper she used to tease me a wee bit about Blip, Mario: late in the evening in winter I have to make a Blip. MrsPuff: why whats going to happen if you don't, are the Blip police going to arrest you. Mario: Yes. Ah but now since MrsPuff has joined up its a case of there is going to be no way either one of us is going to see the Blip police. MrsPuff gets excited about your comments and very excited when she gets a new subscriber. So there you go Blippers thats what we mean to people. I have had 3 Blip meets now and these would be the most exciting things I have been to, and have now met some very wonderful people and one wonderful couple have probably the youngest blipper who is their son. Tonight those of you who have been following Millie and her running, Millie is in Christchurch at the Athletics Canterbury Awards, where she was nominated for Distance Athlete of the Year, a great honour for a first year Runner to be nominated for.

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