Shhh! Don't tell it it's dead

MK this morning to order a new washing machine.  I think I rather exasperated the lady who was going through all the features of the various machines, as I was telling her what I wouldn't put up with (such as one that talks back or tells me when it needs a service).  

"3 HOURS 30 MINUTES TO DO A SIMPLE WASH?" I spluttered.  Absolutely ridiculous, I'd never get it out on the line.  

"Why can't I buy one that does a couple of essential cycles and spin at 1600 if I can't peg out the washing?"  

"Why does it need a "steam" cycle?", and so it went on.

She did teach me a thing or two and we had a bit of a laugh along the way.  Machine ordered.

I have finally finished the border and created a nice curved bit where it needed to be curved.

This is part of the tree stump the squirrel was sitting on yesterday.  It's sprouting, so obviously doesn't know it's deceased.

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