Country blossom

It seems odd to say when we have hedgerows full of blackthorn and hawthorn, wild cherry and elderflowers budding up,  but I am missing London blossom. Those mature cherry trees you pass every year on the way to the tube, the huge magnolias that dominate front gardens, the parks with avenues of blossom.  There are blossom trees in country  gardens but it’s not that floriferous mass I used to see in my neighbourhood.   So i enjoyed spotting this tree on my morning walk - it spoke to me! 

The wind died down and it was relatively sunny but the day was totally upended by the fact that there was whole signalling issue on our line with no trains running into Waterloo today with the result that i stayed at home.  We manage to switch our tickets for Guys & Dolls to next month as we didn’t fancy driving in.  I never fancy driving in tbh.  Ops Review cancelled which was a bonus. 

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