
By Houseonahill6


Today was such a beautiful day appreciated even more after the last few days of ' changeable' weather so I had several blips in mind.I had a visit to the hos[ital in Dingwall so took the opportunity to visit Ferry Point.always best to turn a negative into a positive!
Although cloudy to start with I spent a couple of hours admiring the view and snapping away.Sunlit,snow covered mountains,nesting birds,views of Dingwall,the old wooden bridge and tree but when I returned home and checked the scoutcam this photo stared back at me.Although I did nt actually press the shutter I did set the camera and area up hoping to catch the hedgehog or pine marten but this cat must have sneaked in first.
I did get some footage of the pine marten and the hedgehog TOGETHER.I was wondering what would happen if the two met and the answer is nothing just a sideways look and then both continued eating.
I just love the reflection and it's lovely blue eyes,as long as it keeps away from my birds!

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