What A Day

Great weather first thing. Or maybe not.

SWMBO wasn't feeling great (no surprise there looking at the weather).
So instead of her taking me to the craft fair and having the car, I took it and left it in the car park.
Half way through the sale I hadn't sold one thing!
It was looking like I had paid my money and getting no return.
However, it did pick up and I did come home with profit on the day.
The items I expected to fly - bombed. Not one mouse or Gonk was sold. Not even the usual good sellers, the spinning tops were going.
Having said that, I did come home with none of the £1 ones - but that was because I gave the jar of them to a member of staff who reckoned they were just the thing for the residents in a local care home to help with motor skills, concentration and thought processes. She has also asked my to get in touch as she thinks my calling in would be of great benefit. I have no idea how (and there is no way I am dragging a lathe along) but I will probably go and see what they are after.

Chopper girl (who is no longer on the helicopter) called in and we had a good chat. While she was there, there was a fair bit of interest in a pot made for a lump of Eucalyptus that came from her garden. She did her best to get it sold ... but no joy. After she had gone I was talking to a professional tree cutter who has recently taken an interest in the grain within wood that would normally have had no commercial interest to him...in things like Elm and Yew and even Eucalyptus (I have no idea how there was no commercial interest in the likes of Yew and Elm!). 
While we were talking about tis his wife arrived, simply picked up the pot (without hearing anything about it) and simply said to her husband "I am having this - give the man his money" and walked off with it.
I like her style.

When I got home I found some twat had parking IN my hedge!
Two parking bays to park in parallel to the hedge - but NO! He parks nose first in it, in the middle of one of the bays!!!!!

SWMBO was asleep on the settee when I went in. Apparently she had been that way all day. She has now taken herself off to bed and doesn't want anything to eat.
I guess I will be eating alone again this evening.

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