Chicken foot!

I started early and took the boys to the lake for a swim. I didn't bring my camera as I thought I have blipped dogs in water quite often recently and I was hoping something more interesting would happen during the day.

I probably should have brought it - it would have saved you from this disgusting chicken foot that Biscuit is eating ;-)

When we came home from our morning trip to the lake, I dug into my school books. My exam is coming up and I have to hand in my exam paper soon. I have been working all day - except a lunch time walk with the boys - and I have written half a paper. Not bad :-).

Sunny day and even though it hasn't been very warm, it has still be warm enough for the guinea pigs to be outside all day. They have loved it.

My brain needs a rest now, so I think it is tea time and then TV until bedtime.

Happy weekend, Blippers!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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