
By Juli

Nope, we're definitely not in Kansas!

Today was the Year 13's last official day and, as with the Year 11's previously, I arrived at school to find it transformed (thankfully without oil everywhere this time!). Although many of the Year 11s will be coming back to do their A levels, this really is 'it' for the Year 13s so there were many tears all round. I can still remember how weird and emotional my last day at school felt.

They did a great job with decorating the school. There was a Big Brother chair in the dining room, a red carpet leading up to the staff room and one teacher had his favourite phrase hung up all over his office and classroom. I didn't get round much of the school today but no doubt there were many more incredible sights to see!

Our corridor was turned into the Land of Oz, complete with pictures of the main characters on the walls, quotes from the film and even our very own yellow brick road! The sign above the exit at the other end says 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. I thought it was wonderful.

The lesson I taught this morning went really well but my other one was pretty awful! Still, we all survived and looking forward to a few days' break over half term.

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