From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Gray or grey.....?

What a wonderful thing to say to, or hear or from, or feel for, someone special! And especially when there is no promise of any sunshine in the weather here at the moment.
This was on the wall of BHS when we passed through today. I thought 'How lovely!' then the spelling of grey/gray shouted at me! Just doesn't look right! Looking in the dictionary - again - it is the American spelling and so I allow it.

This is very crooked I know! It was crooked on the wall and I tried to straighten it but it fell down so I had to quickly put it back up! I have done my best!

I had coffee with another friend this morning -how blessed I am - and this afternoon we began the search for fittings for the proposed cloakroom revamp. (Well, I've seen what I like...!)

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