All things vintage

Vintage has been used as decoration for many years in old buildings and. I like this row of Observer books. I have a few and you can pick them up on eBay for a fiver or so.  These are in a pub in Meonstoke , The Buck’s Head , where we took Mum for lunch.   She and I ate a nice plate of roast beef and V had one of their excellent pizzas. 

I started the day with a good walk to get the paper, it was warm and sunny but still no sign of any local asparagus. I then finished potting up my cosmos seedlings which means flowers for the summer.  Yippee. Still lots to do in the garden. 

We dropped Mum off home and then went to a walk in clinic to show a doctor my ear which had got increasingly painful.  She was impressed and told me that I shouldn’t fly tomorrow as it would leave me with a perforated eardrum and gave me antibiotic drops. Hopefully will get better now. 

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