Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Storm Noa

First day back at work after Easter and the day was mostly taken up with tutorial prep and drop in sessions for students.  However I managed to sneak out to check that Noa hadn't caused too much devastation, only blowing over the empty wheelie bin and compost bin.  

They were easily set right and I managed to plant another 50 onion sets - I'm experimenting with planting these ones in 3s rather than singly to see if it works.  It is much quicker for planting, but there were still onion sets left (top left), so I'm giving these way on the allotment WhatsApp group as I don't have space for anymore.

Everything is trying to bloom at the moment - the top blossom is on a stick in my bean pole pile that was cut back in the autumn.  More expected were the flowers on the gooseberry bushes and the bottom picture is the entire calabrese crop from the polytunnel, which I harvested before anything else could eat it.

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