Not The Intended Subject

SWMBO and I were over at Bags' house for a while this morning until the monsters headed off to school.
We then headed off to The Larder, picked the meals and dropped them off.
Then we went back to The Larder - and picked up another load (one of the other volunteers is on holiday) and went off and dropped off the meals.

I now know why everyone who had done that route hates it......West Lothian Council seem have have thrown numbers at houses randomly as they drove down the streets (some of which have no street names). House have front doors at the back of the house (and no access from the road) and the back doors house no letterboxes (just to p*ss off the posties?). 
It was horrendous ..... not helped by the horrible fog first thing and then gradually that was blown away by a freezing cold wind.

By the time we got home my hips and thighs were screaming.

I went out to have a look at how the tadpoles were doing (there are 9 shots). SWMBO was quite surprised at the size difference between them.

I have managed to get into 'Windows' on the new computer and thereafter other (some) applications.
The main problem is my memory .... trying to remember log-ins and passwords (I really must break the rules and write them down somewhere....that I can remember/find).
Tomorrow comes The Big One ...... the main reason I needed to get the new laptop --- Photoshop!

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