I fecken HATE technology!

This wee thing - not so much.
She isn't so wee though .... and it would appear she has a crush on an older boy! (not that much older though).
She offered to buy one of the turned cats that didn't sell on Saturday. I told her I will make one especially for her. It is half way made.

Back to the ......spit!

I spent a couple of hours trying to submit a prescription. Their system was down .... again!
So I went down to drop off a hand written request. 
The queue was nearly out the door - with only one receptionist showing face (loads of staff to be seen though) and quite happy to listen to the life stories of people. She even watched some 'funny' on one woman's phone!!.

Late afternoon I took delivery of a new laptop.
4 hours now trying everything.
I have shouted at it - SWMBO has shouted at me - I have had a lie down - I have a headache. It had Windows pre-installed, but do you think we can get into it? - Can we bollocks.......wrong sign-in ... wrong password ... wrong fecken everything apparently and no way to change anything.
It is back in the back and should consider itself lucky it is still in one piece.
The son-in-law is going to get really pissed off when I go round there tomorrow evening (he doesn't know about it yet, so don't tell him)

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