Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

A day inside

We were suppose to go swimming this morning to capitalise on some of the progress L made in the pool on holiday but she's got a temp and a rattly chest so we decided on a day inside instead.

Thankfully J was off so I was able to go to my early bootcamp session in the rain without doing the school run. After this, it was trackie bottoms and cocoa for me. Not what you'd expect for the end of May.

I've spent a lot of time youtubing for flash tutorials and exploring various sights. My brain is fried and I've gone past the point of retaining anything. Im nervous as hell but looking forward to cracking on with my first wedding shoot tomorrow. Hopefully once Im on the train with the other photographer we can chat flash and it will give me a bit more confidence. Its a late afternoon wedding so we should be able to do a good few test shots of the area before anyone arrives.

Its exciting to think about the couples that are doing their final prep this evening and settling down for their last night as single people. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday.

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