These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Late night fun...

I took this picture trying to capture the color of Tyler's eyes. Josh and I have blue eyes and Tyler has had blue eyes too, but lately, they have appeared greener than normal. They look pretty blue here, although they are more grey, like mine.

Another beautiful day around here, although the wind has been sticking around for a few days. It was cooler, but still very nice. We had our last bible study, said goodbye to friends we've made over the past few months, got to watch the masses goo and gaaa over the new baby boys and just had a fun time. Mia didn't even cry when I dropped her off and when I picked her up, her teacher informed me that she was kissing another little boy in Sunday School and they were playing games by putting their faces right up to each other and making funny faces or saying funny little things. I was SO glad to hear she was enjoying herself and actually had a friend, even if she was kissing him!

We attended a performance by a dear friend this evening. It was her final showcase of her work accomplished this year in kindergarten and it was such a treat to get a taste into her life at school.

After the kids went to bed, we sat down (my sister and I) to take on my mom and Josh in a game of pinnochle. Well, in a fortunate turn of events, Kelly and I won the game and mom and Josh went to bed scowling! :) The highlight of the game, however, was Tyler coming out, so excited to have caught us in the middle of a game. Well, instead of sending him back to bed, Josh let him come sit with us while he played. He was thrilled. He was just grinning ear to ear the whole time, doodling on his doodle pad, writing down the score for us and having a good ol time. It was priceless.

Off to bed for me... Hopefully I can go to sleep after my chocolate bunny dipped in peanut butter extravaganza! Goodnight all!

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