
By Raestelle

"The Olive Festival"...

...Traditionally Greek, and what a lovely Festival it was - held today - just around the corner...

We walked around as it's not far, and there were many folk there, and we heard many had come from the City and from interstate, as well as from here..

In the 50's many Greek folk came to Mildura and bought grapevine blocks, some came as pickers, and some started up their own businesses. They're still here..and so - the Festival is held every year at this time.

...Have you ever been to a Greek Olive Festival? There is great frivolity, and truly spectacular dancing to the Greek music, firstly by the little ones, followed by the older ones, some parents of some of the little ones, which is just beautiful to see with their special costumes and music, which to me, looked so lovely and some of the steps and movements, really - were similar to Scottish dancing, well, I thought so anyway...

...We were thinking how much our little Teigan 7 would love this dancing, the children were so intent on doing the right steps and were quite at home dancing among a big crowd..(and so is she - they call her Groovy Teigan..)

... On stalls, beautiful Greek cooking and lots of olive oil products for sale ofcourse.. We bought a little ceramic dish for the table especially for olives as we do like them..and we came home fully admiring these little people and how their parents have encouraged them to keep up the Tradition of the Greek Dancing......

I thought I'd share this pretty scene with you today...and I'm sure the children will sleep well tonight as not only was there this dance you can see - but many others, throughout the day...proudly watched by their all of their families....

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