Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Mowing the grass

Our Irish neighbours probably think we are bonkers trying to keep almost an acre of grass under control with a couple of electric mowers.

We were rained off this morning.

We employed a chap on a ride-on a few weeks ago, and he did a fairly high cut of the whole grassy area.  But when we wanted it done again before the trees were planted, he was just about to go on holiday, so we did our best with our electric mowers.  We have a battery powered mower, but it only manages a small part of this area on the two batteries we own. The other is mains powered, has overheated and gone on strike a couple of times, and even with a long extension lead, it's a stretch to get to the far end.

We are getting a robot mower - currently known as "not Eric"*.  But the chap who installs the wires to keep this under control has been off sick, and is now struggling to catch up.  Hoping for installation sometime in the next couple of weeks.

B will come again with the ride-on just before we let "not Eric" loose, but now we have the trees we wouldn't be happy letting him weave amongst them with the ride-on.  

* Hildasrose has a robot mower, she christened it Eric.  We haven't decided on a name for ours yet, but W is definite that it won't be Eric.

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