Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

The Twitchers!!

Well what a day it's been today.  This morning we had the great joy of joining legendary bird expert Christine Wilder and a small group of Twitchers on an excursion through a very pretty part of Taalinup/Augusta.  Christine started a group called Birdlife Australia and I can tell you there is absolutely nothing she doesn't know about our feathered friends.  It was very exciting and over the morning she recorded data on the birds we observed.  In all there were 25 species.  We were then both very privileged to spend the greater part of the afternoon with Christine as she showed her many locations that she has been monitoring around Taalinup/Augusta for many years.  We ended up at the Leeuwin Lighthouse where she showed us the areas we could keep an eye on in our search to find the beautiful little "Rock Parrots". This is a whole new world when it comes to bird life for Mauzee and I and a highlight was definitely the sighting of two red tailed black cockatoos. (Oh and you may have spotted Mauzee in this group of very interested birdwatchers) :)
Late in the afternoon we went to a fascinating lecture in the local Centennial Hall by Marine Scientist Lynnath Beckley on the "Leeuwin Current", the warm current that runs down the west coast of WA.  There was a lot of scientific jargon I have to say but it was also very interesting to learn more about the oceanography of the world and also the "Secret Life of the Rock Lobster".  Being a lover of Crayfish as they're known in the west I was pleased to hear that it could be a good season for crayfish this year!!  

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