Seed harvesting
One of the jobs completed today.
Read a chapter of my current book, The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay, in bed. Loving the book. Breakfast then up on the plot for 8am. I had breadcrumbs & songbird seed mix for Bobby Robin who arrived soon after I arrived. I sowed beetroot, carrots, spring onions, & leeks. The leeks were a mistake, never mind, they might germinate.
Up to town, grabbed some groceries & newspaper, traffic warden having a field day. Every Sunday they do the rounds. There will be some unhappy folks. Down to Mum. Indie always happy to see me. We walked, I gathered pea sticks from the coppiced birch on the heath, leaving them just inside the gate, handy to collect with the car later.
Danish & coffee while watching the London Marathon on tv. Next gardening, a few jobs completed before the rain descended upon us. We had Spag bol for lunch then I left Mum & headed home.
Hubby still in hospital, breathing easier, thought he might see a doctor today, but looks like it will be tommorow now.
I did some knitting for a while, watched a bit more of the marathon then set about sowing more seed, & pricked out 6x 6pack Salad Bowl lettuce.
Back indoors I've been sorting flower seed, some to scatter up on the plot, some for the Chudleigh Wild garden I have on the edge of the footpath, some seed to hopefully germinate for the herbaceous border. Some seed a mystery as I can't remember where I found it. I love the structures of many of the seed heads, the poppy is gorgeous.
A good, productive day.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday
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