Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Solo Walk

This morning I got to go on a walk alone because The Husband had a dentist appointment. So I took my camera. Of course!

Starting upper left and moving clockwise around:

1. A pair of Canada geese. And - if you look closely - a turtle attempting to sun itself on the dead tree sticking up in the water. Canada geese are often year round residents here - although there are still some that migrate.

2. White-throated sparrow. They are winter residents here and will be leaving soon to head north. The juncos and hermit thrush have already left, but these guys seem to linger.

3. Northern mockingbird. They are year round residents. For some reason there are a gazillion of them up at the beginning of Chapel Spring Lane. I rarely see on here at our actual house. At this time of year I love listening to them sing their repertoire and trying to figure out who they're *mocking.*

4. Chipping sparrow. Another year round resident. And there are lots of them along Chapel Spring Lane. Their song is an insect like trill.

5. Brown thrasher - recently returned from somewhere down south where he spent the winter. Another mimic. I can usually tell I'm hearing a thrasher instead of a mockingbird because he only repeats each phrase twice (usually) as opposed to three times or more (the mockingbird's habit) - plus his imitation isn't as spot on as the mockingbird's. He sounds a little drunk.

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