A much better sleep but then a continuation of yesterday’s phone top up problem when I typed in my 4 digit code and O2 said ‘Oops there’s been a problem, try later’. I tried this morning. It wanted me to log in. I found my password and logged in. I received a 6 digit security code and entered it. Then I was asked to create a new password and retype it. It kept coming up with a different number of dots on the second one. I was getting stressed. Eventually I thought I had it right so pressed ‘done’. Got another ‘Oops’ message. I pressed quit.

To take my mind off it I went out to wash my car. Roger from two doors away was on his way out to walk the dog. I asked if he could help. He came after the dog walk and had me set up in a few minutes :)

The photo was taken on my walk to the shops for milk. Later I did what can best be described as community gardening.

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