West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Tardis Time

Today dawned bright, I knew the shot I wanted, one I hoped would put a smile on someone's face, maybe we are connected in some way as they were able to anticipate what the shot was going to be, regardless I am sure it will still raise a smile.

Whilst my photography may or may not be improving even I was not able to conjure up a certain Mr David Tennant to top off the surprise, he I understand to be the de-rigour Doctor of the day with the many of the young ladies. I remember the Time Lords of old, the shock white hair of Jon Pertwee, the crazy curls of Tom Baker, the question marks of Peter Davidson reminiscent of my recent George Wylie Blips art imitating life imitating art if you would indulge me!!!

The Good Doctors all brought something new to the shows, some divided opinion, some universally loved I am sure even for those people not a fan of the programme they will all relate to the Daleks, the Cybermen and this; the behemoth that is the Tardis, not for the Doctor a Stellar Star Ship instead a quintessentially British sight, a police box, this one stands in Buchanan Street in Glasgow and is a daily draw for tourists posing for a holiday snap and often you will see fans resplendent in the garb of their favourite incarnation of the Doctor posing for photographs. It is another of those sights that always raises a smile and draws an audience when it happens.

I am humbled by the fact that people return to my journal daily to enjoy my journey with me, hopefully they enjoy the narrative as well as the photograph as I take great pleasure in both aspects so in closing today thank you; I think the words of the Doctor say it best so to quote the good Doctor... before I go, I just want to tell you: you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!

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