A pheasant day

It did not start out well. I have been in the practice of doing wordle just after midnight when the new daily game appears. I’ve never guessed the word in my first or second go had a few three and mainly fours. After a run of 220 correct guesses I failed today. By the time I got to the final six cance there were two, possibly, three options. I chose the wrong one. I did not feel as disappointed as I thought I might.

Morning sitting out of the wind but in the sunshine reading and typing. Then our son and I headed off to do a few things, one of which took us to a workshop on a farm estate. Just as we were leaving our son spotted this pheasant behind a headgear. I got out of the car and approached it. I think it was too full to move so got this photo.

An evening church meeting went smoothly and remarkably quickly and gave the chance to meet up with a friend from school who I’ve not seen for a few months.

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