More tulips at Hampton Court

Although I went to see the tulips about 10 days ago I thought I would have another look as it’s so near and I could cycle there.  Some of the tulips are over and some still in bud. The blip is of lots of varieties in containers in Clock Court. 
Having been to Wisley to see the tulips yesterday I definitely think those were a more spectacular display . There are many more varieties at Hampton Court in many beds and containers but as they are more spread out they don’t look so impressive. The booklet at Hampton Court gives lots of details about all the different varieties so I suppose the displays are a showcase for tulip varieties. However I think most people there, and many many foreigners, were just looking for big displays and photos…that they could pose with and put on Instagram etc! 

The extras show a few other views. In the first one of the planters seems to have been taken over by a Canada Goose nesting there! Nearby there is also a coots nest…this is in a pond looking towards the Long Water.

Very chilly again today and mostly a grey sky.

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