Views of my world

By rosamund


I've used the title 'babies' before, I don't like the term 'kids' and I realised this week that I am now the proud mum of two teenagers! That makes them so old that they both get to go off and leave their old mother at home while they jet off to Barcelona or take a tour of France & Belgium, what's more Carlos will also be jetting of to London and I will be *sings* "All by myseeeeeeelf".

I have to get up at 4.30am to take Noah to the Battery Park where the coach picks them up to get to Prestwick Airport. He will be in Barcelona by late afternoon and comes home on Thursday. Freya leaves at a more respectable time on Monday but doesn't get home til Saturday. Carlos is only away overnight on Wednesday so it should all be fine, with the bank holiday then two days at the SECC it will soon be time for the boys to come home and I'll wonder what all the fuss was about!

Had a really nice day today, spent the morning on Kempock Street doing last minute errands for trip preparations and squeezed in a coffee and a blether with the girls at the wool shop. Had lunch at home in the sunshine then spent the afternoon in the garden at Carlos' mum's eating cake, drinking tea and generally enjoying the weather. It was her birthday midweek and I gave her two of my pottery creations - the red bowl, and the yellow pot with a wee rose plant in, she was absolutely thrilled, so that was nice. I like it when I give my creations to folk and they obviously love them, it really means a lot.

Better get to bed, it's an early start in the morning.

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