Ukinsetter; 10 Years On

A frosty morning with wintery showers.  It turned into a fairly sunny day, but stayed cold, with clouds passing over.  A fine evening. 

Up at 5am again, and another early shift in the airport.  A steady day of passengers, and a mix of check-in desk and meeting and boarding flights.  On my way home, I swung by bro Jonny and family, then a cuppa with Laura.  Walkies with Sammy, then down to the shop for my evening shift.  It's been super busy in the shop, struggled to get my jobs done.  Quiet night now.

An opportunity to crack on with the ten year project on my way home.  Not every croft house ruin has a sad end, this house proving they can be saved and loved once more.  My granddad Maikie was best friends with the last occupants, and sure they'd be glad to see it restored and loved again.  It's not being lived in full-time, a weekend/summer house for a family.  I'd love to get a chance to stay here for a weekend or two.  Taken at Ukinsetter, Cunningsburgh.  

Link to 10 years ago
If you search Ukinsetter, you can see other angles I've snapped over the years. 

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