Red or orange?

Castle and Sun: Paul Klee (1928)

A good day for competing a jigsaw - damp, dull and cold.

It wasn’t until I started writing this that I remembered I had done the puzzle before and probably blipped it. Indeed I did - and it was only last November I don’t know why I decided to do it again, it just jumped out at me when I went to choose one.

It is quite a challenging puzzle, one reason is the shape of the pieces, as I described in the previous blip. But the other reason is colour. I tend to sort pieces by colour before I start a jigsaw and this would seem a reasonable strategy with this one . . . until one tries to differentiate the colours. Yellow is fine, then red is too but in between is orange, several tones of orange, then you have yellow that is more orange and red that is more brown. That’s when you realise the extent of the colour palette Klee was using. “Colour possesses me” he said - indeed it did in this picture anyway.

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