The weather was warmer and sunnier this morning so we went out for a while. B didn't feel well so I took him back home and headed out again to a very crowded RSPB Saltholme where I just walked up and down my favourite path without actually going into the reserve. There are always wrens along there, usually singing but invisible but today I managed to see a few. There was this one, then a couple who were having a territorial dance-off along a path I was standing on while mostly ignoring me.
When I got back into the car I discovered there had been a hatching of minute spiderlings at the top of my windscreen behind the rear-view mirror and some of them were abseiling up and down into the passenger footwell. I tried a photo which really didn't come out too well but I've added part of it as an extra just for fun. I decided they'd do better taking their chances outside, so scooped as many as I could into a duster and shook it out in the fresh air. I'm sure there must be some left though.

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