Watching and waiting..
Goodness, now it's May..
how did that happen?? Lovely
walks today. Fresh air :-D
I had a physio appointment quite early this morning, so that got things started with a bang! I had a call with my Mum and then Mr KCNQ2Haiku, Ben, Leo and I went for a walk around the fields and river. He's off lead now pretty much all the time, unless we are near roads/car parks or can see other dogs coming. But then, Leo met a dog called Billy and the owner asked if we were comfortable to take him off lead as Billy really likes to run with other dogs! That suited us and they had proper fun racing around, Leo was a soggy, tired mess at the end. Then we had lunch and another walk, in the woods this time. Later on we made Almond Slices and some Chicken Shawarma seasoning, Ben was quite engaged which was nice but Leo was Chief Helper.. checking for any spillages and closely monitoring the situation. This photo was him after the Almond Slices had come out of the oven, it made me smile :-)
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