Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Slow pour

I had a large jar of local honey which I transfer to a squeeze type bottle instead of having to open the big jar all the time.   I refilled the little bottle and have been using the last in the big jar to get it all used up.

This morning the honey went on the seeded bread from Trader Joes that I bought yesterday.   It was excellent!!   Jerry was not crazy about it as he mostly likes squishy white bread but I loved it with all the flavors of the seeds and some carrot.   Thinking it might be really good with fresh tomatoes on it!!  

Meeting a friend from my former workplace for lunch today.  He is an excellent cook and makes his own chow-chow relish a couple times of year.  He texted me on Earth Day (he knew I would be out in the forest somewhere!) and told me he had a new batch made and did I want some...of course!!      He is a great guy and I am so grateful to call him friend.    He does ask Jerry sometimes how he puts up with me!!    It's all about the love!

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