
I actually haven't taken any photos of the wildlings today. I was on my way home from work when this lovely horse was in front of me. So I jumped off my bike and walked alongside the rider and asked if I could take their photo. 

It felt good to be back at work. My brain thought it was Monday though.  Having a change in routine can be a little difficult for some of the students.  But it was a good morning.  

The young ones were excited when I picked them up from nursery.  And we stopped off at a park on the way home. The big boys have had a good day at school.  They asked if I would make more tray bake as a certain Mr R  ate loads. I've made another two trays but will take one to work with me. The treat will be hidden from mr R.  

All 4 wildlings are playing in the garden while I clean the kitchen.  I also need to do some maintenance on my bike. One of the break pads needs fixed and I need to tighten up the gears as well as pump the tyres. 
There sometimes feel like there isn't enough hours in the day. 

I got some brochures sent through by email from a new bed company.  These tent like safe space beds work out around £5000 . The bed we have at the moment with all the mod cons was priced up and would you believe that it's over £12000. Like Holy crap on a cracker. I'll speak to Carsons OT tomorrow and see if the emergency funding form will cover most of the new bed . Fingers crossed.  You can also get a travel one that would be good for when we go away again to butlins.  Last year I didn't really sleep as butlins isn't set up for kids like Carson.  I might just take a tent with me this year and set it up in the room. 

It's been another good day and good to get back to the normal routine.  

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