Lettuce child

It's been a busy day. 

The jedi asked for some kale and salami wrap for lunch. He calls lettuce kale. Well he spent a long time just walking around with lettuce on his head. He does make me laugh. Quite glad I'm a laid back mum who doesn't really care about things like this. And in the end he ate a bite, he wasn't happy for a while that it had ripped. 

Harp and the jedi had a late dinner. The boys had a burger and chips at the birthday party. They sat outside and watched the others play football but they went and joined in in the party room. 

We went round and saw nana and grandad after. Nana is glad to be home. She's obviously quite upset and says it doesn't feel real. Harp chose her a lovely new orchid and some cake. I asked the boys in the car if they could give her a hug, which they did. 

They're all having a quick play in the garden while Mr R mows the front lawn. And then they will be getting chucked in the bath. They get so filthy from playing.  Especially the jedi. But I'd rather kids enjoy the freedom of playing.  

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