Anghenfil poblogaidd
Anghenfil poblogaidd ~ Popular monster
“Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependant upon popular opinion?”
― William Lloyd Garrison
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Ymhlith y cenedlaethau diweddaraf o Lego yw mwy o setiau lle dych chi'n adeiladu peth arbennig (yn lle dim ond cael pentwr o frics).
Un o'r setiau yw'r cymeriad 'Bowser' Nintendo - rhyw fath o ddraig/crwban. Er gwaethaf ei ymddangosiad, rydw i'n meddwl ei fod e'n gymeriad digon hoffus (ond efallai fy mod yn naïf). Adre rydyn ni'n dal yn chwarae ‘Mario Kart’ ac ar y gêm, ‘Bowser’ yw fy nghymeriad fi. Does diddordeb gyda fi yn y set Lego hon, fodd bynnag, mae'n rhy fawr, rhy ddrud, ac ar hyn o bryd ddim ar gael(!).
Treulion ni prynhawn yn crwydro yn y dre. Roedd e'n eithaf ymlaciol. Aethon ni i Wagamama am bryd o fwyd cyn seiclo adre i chwarae gem ‘Mario Kart’.
Yr un peth diddorol am ‘Mario Kart’ bod rhaid i mi ganolbwyntio. Dydw i ddim yn gallu meddwl am un rhywbeth ac eithrio'r gêm - un meddwl crwydr ac rydw i oddi ar y trac. Felly mae'n dda iawn am gadw'r ymennydd mewn cyflwr da (rydw i'n meddwl).
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Among the latest generations of Lego are more sets where you build something special (instead of just having a pile of bricks).
One of the sets is the Nintendo 'Bowser' character - a sort of dragon/turtle. Despite his appearance, I think he's quite a likeable character (but maybe I'm naive). At home we still play 'Mario Kart' and on the game, my character is 'Bowser'. I'm not interested in this Lego set, however, it's too big, too expensive, and currently not available(!).
We spent an afternoon wandering around the town. It was quite relaxing. We went to Wagamama for a meal before cycling home to play a 'Mario Kart' game.
The one interesting thing about 'Mario Kart' is that I have to concentrate. I can't think about a single thing except the game - one stray thought and I'm off track. So it's really good for keeping the brain in good shape (I think).
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Model Lego o 'Bowser'
Description (English): Lego model of 'Bowser'
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