Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Deep pink blossom in the Church garden.

The Feast Day of St. Philip and St. James.
This beautiful blossom is in full floral abundance in St. Charles Borromeo church garden. When the church building is demolished in the Summer holidays, I have heard the land space could be used to extend the school playground and hopefully some of the church garden and large shrubs can be saved. 
I have enjoyed a long walk in glorious sunshine this morning. I saw three squirrels who came right up to me in the park woodland and three grown up cygnets with nearly white feathers were gliding on the reservoir at the end of the park.. There were Canada Geese and ducks as well. Now I am catching up with the washing and cleaning.
Paul phoned this morning and he is spending the whole day with his Dad.
I can not go into details about his Dad's health, but thank you for ongoing prayers.
I am bringing together various decorations here at home, for the Coronation celebration.  I have Union Jack bunting for the window and flags, and some red, white and blue pom poms I am making. I bought some red and white artificial silk- like roses for my table. There will be a blip of all this on Friday. Then I will be watching this momentous event on the television on Saturday.
Enjoy the lovely weather and have a lovely Wednesday.

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