St Mary’s

Hospital day. J has been a bit stronger this last week so rather than travelling in the community ambulance we had a go at her getting into the car. It worked, so although it was a very long day there were no two hour waits for the ambulance.

I had two trips out from the hospital during the day. My afternoon excursion involved a good walk around Halton village and its many fine old buildings. The blip image is of St Mary’s church close to Halton Castle. It’s always closed, like many churches, to prevent theft and vandalism, but has good views towards the Cheshire ridge and Wales. Grassy areas everywhere are dappled yellow and white with dandelions and daisies at this time of year, so I wanted to capture some of that.

Two extras from my morning trip to nearby Wigg Island. A speckled wood butterfly on May blossom, and cowslips.

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