Curling Up At The Edges

When Squirrel called round this morning I showed her yesterdays picture .... she complained it made her look grumpy. 
She couldn't understand why I laughed.

The roses should probably have been thrown out today .... but I am sure I can squeeze another picture out of them.
Better light might help - but the weather isn't meant to improve any time soon so it might be back to the torch again.

I made a bottle opener this morning (should maybe have bought a bottle of beer to test it out on when we were in the shop). Very annoying that the aperture for the 'mechanism' is about 2mm too small for the chuck jaws to fit into for working on the 'top'.

Time was spent trying to move programmes from one laptop to another ... that was a 'Fail'.
5 AV shows were made and posted on 'that' video sharing site over here.

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