Oh What Fun

Pedicure Day, always good to see Annie and relax for an hour then it was home to walk Paddy, a walk with a difference.

The black shape in todays photo is Paddy ‘free-styling’ in Boscawen Fields, an area set aside for dogs to exercise. Normally when out walking if other dogs approach I put Paddy on his lead, as a ‘bull breed’ I guess it’s expected!
Today he had the field to himself and was racing around having a great time. Then in the blink of an eye as I put my phone away after taking the picture half a dozen dogs with half a dozen owners arrived. I chose not to diminish Paddy’s fun by putting on his lead and he had the best of times. As a Staffie/Lab X he is built for strength not speed but he had great fun being chased by and chasing the others, so much so that he needed to lay down for a rest before we headed home.

With daily views like this what a great place to live.

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