Coronation Day
I admit to being a sucker for pomp and circumstance, for marching boots and military bands, for well groomed horses and clinking breast plates and so there was no way I wanted to miss my second coronation. With the haar and gloom in Edinburgh it was made easier to stay at home and become sofa bound. The weather was even worse in London where it rained on the luckless hordes just as it did back in 1953. There the similarity ended : in 1953 my family did not own a television and we watched the coronation in black and white in a neighbour’s house while today 70 years later I sat in splendid isolation in front of a large smart TV watching events in colour. Life could not be more different.
The mist lifted a little during the day and the cherry trees are visible again. I don’t think I’ll venture forth, in fact I think I’ll pour myself a stiff G&T and keep my feet up.
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