Summer has put in an Appearance

Yesss,at last the haar has lifted this afternoon to give us some  sunshine in this blighted part of the east coast. The air remains at 13° so it’s not exactly Mediterranean but beggars can’t be choosers and I at least am glad to see the world in colour.

I met up with one Merry Widow this morning in a Söderberg being  held ransome by four children under 5 who climbed and jumped on the available settee beside us, running around shrieking and yelling in decibels impossible to talk above. 
The two mothers seemed impervious to the disruption  the children were causing  and made no attempt to control their offspring. Whatever happened to the advice- children should be seen and not heard and how entitled are these kids in an adult space ? 

My Merry Widow who was an infant teacher back in the day was more kindly disposed to them than I and encouraged them  in sign language to ‘wheesht’ while I gave the oldest one ‘ a look’ which would have curdled cream but to no avail. All in all it was one and a half hours of being in the middle of a very noisy play date with badly brought up children and no supervision.

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