Purple Tulip

Today's the day ........................ to put on a show

A single, very fancy, purple tulip that appears in the garden every year.  It was planted by someone unknown but it can always be relied on to put on a bit of a show, as the tulip season draws to a close.

There was that other bit of a show going on today, of course - namely the Coronation of King Charles III.  We watched some of it and found it to be more entertaining - even quite moving at times - than we expected.  I certainly enjoyed all the music and the expertise of all the singers and musicians involved.

Our award for unexpected poise, sartorial elegance and impressive upper body strength would have to go to Penny Mordaunt, the Lord President of the Privy Council.  She had the job of walking the 17th-century Sword of State down Westminster Abbey’s aisle at the opening of the ceremony - the first time a woman has done this.  She wore a regal, teal-coloured caped dress, embroidered with golden ferns, and a matching hat - and did all that she had to do as if she'd being doing it all her life.

And, I suppose, no matter what you think about such ceremonial occasions as the Coronation today, it was a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence and undeniably part of our history ...................... 

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