Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


in the People’s Park, Bray

Today our Poetry Circle partnered with the Moving Skirts Zoryanna Dance Group of Bray to celebrate Bealtaine.

I had a lovely 8am swim, leisurely coffee and chat with the wimmin to start my day. A prom walk to clear my head and then our poetry meet up.

The weather was perfect and you can see the park stretching out towards the Wicklow Mountains. The group performed dances from Japan and Iran and then joined us in our circle as we read our poems. I read The Fiddler of Dooney by WB Yeats (basically a homage to those who sing, dance, perform in any way as a preference to priestly piety and what happens when you meet Peter at the Pearlies). It’s here:

I also read my own poem: The First Bus Ride (a nostalgic memory from childhood).

The dance group then performed The Tibetan Circle Dance and invited us all to join. This was wonderful. I just loved it. Here is a slightly more Co-ordinated version. But you get the idea

I have had a lovely day. Weather in North Wicklow great.

I hope you all had a good day.

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