Coronation & it’s Quiche

We didn’t get to go up to London but we hosted Elbow’s mother who insisted on making a Coronation Quiche - although in pure Mary style, she ditched the broad beans because she thought they were odd and added bacon instead.

And then attempted to drive to ours with it still uncooked so there was quite a quiche spillage on her back seat.

Tasted good though, once she’d scraped what she could up again and it had been cooked.

We had quite a few other treats and toasted the King with some Prosecco.

We’re so delighted that the service was so Bible infused. King Jesus was mentioned as much as, if not more than, King Charles.

And the King was presented with a Bible with these words:
“We present you with this Book, the most valuable thing that this world affords. Here is Wisdom; This is the royal Law; These are the lively Oracles of God.” Big big smile.

In the evening, we visited our dear dear friends whose 26 year old son died last weekend. Boy. It was a tender sweet evening considering how hard it is for them. A shocking 3 months.

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