Tuna…ing Up

Annoyingly despite being able to have a lie in this morning, I was wide awake at 6.30am. We had breakfast and then had a wander around the old town before the Pilgrim’s Mass at 12pm. It’s Mother’s Day in Spain today and the anniversary of my mum’s death so quite a poignant service. After Mass we met up with our Pilgrim posse (our numbers are declining) for lunch. We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the town and relaxing in the Alameda Gardens. Another hot day and it felt good not to be carrying a rucksack. Back to our hotel to pack as we have an early start tomorrow, before heading out for another quick bite and to hear the Tuna de Derecho (band of Law students from the university) sing and play guitars and other instruments in the Cathedral square. Most of them looked like very mature students! Mr P said that there was a gap for a uke player and I had to restrain myself from pinching their tambourines! It was all great fun and very lively.
We hadn’t been to Santiago for over 30 years but hopefully it won’t be so long till our next visit.

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