Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today my boss and I planted cucumbers in Greenhouse 1. Behind me are the tomato plants. My first chore was to put a prise tag on cucumbers and pumpkins. While I was getting the prise tag thingy, a customer came and wanted to pay for two marigolds. As I called for the guy handling the cashiers, the customer asked me about plants that are just green. We had one on our display table, so I told her that one. Then she wanted to look for more and my coworker said greenhouse 2, so she went. I was going in there too, so I tried to help her out a bit when she asked about different plants. We then went to Greenhouse 1 and found the plants. Then she hesitated and in the end she just bought the marigolds but I showed her a climbing plant with sweet butterfly like flowers, and she told me she'd be back. Then I went to do my chore. After the break, my boss and I went to work. It was so much fun to do this! My boss told me that since I'd missed the tomato plant planting, she thought of me for this. We talked and had fun. 

I made a decision today when I was creating for todays' prompt in the Messy May challenge. I need a month off this kinds of challenges... I know ICAD is coming up soon, and I'd love to take part of that... but it's 90 days, I think, and I just don't have the energy to work and do everything I want at home and do art challenges. I've also heard that El Ninjo is bringing us heat this summer... and that the summer can be as bad as 2018... So I need to do everything I need to do both inside and on the patio, before the heat comes. So... I'm taking June off art challenges. July has one I want to take part in. 

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