Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

So today I did a first. Something I've never done before... and that was to climb on to our large replanting tables that are so high you can easily stand and work at them. And, on top of that, I had my non-stretch work pants on. It wasn't easy, but I managed to climb on to save the bumble bee that sat in a corner of a closed window, looking sad. The bumble bee didn't want to fly out of the window I'd opened, so I climbed down the table to let the bumble bee out myself. My boss saw that I was on the table and asked me to be careful, because there'd been accidents, but I showed her the bumble bee, so I think she understood. Then I went outside and offered the bumble bee a marigold. She wandered slowly around on the flower, but didn't seam to find any nectar (I did see her little tongue working the petals), so I moved her to a pansy instead. After spinning around not really finding the flowers middle, and me wondering if the little bumble bee would be ok or if she was hurt in some way, she finally found enough nectar to be able to fly. And I cheered and went inside.
My chore for today was deconstructing a large wreath, covered with withered fir branches and needles. It was very well wrapped with wire... and it took me several hours to unwrap this, with the bumble bee rescue pause and some banter with coworkers and my boss. I told her that I wanted the materials to be reused. I like to recycle things. So, she asked me 'what about the fir branches and the needles??' So, I told her that if she's got a styrofoam ball, I can glue the fir down and give that to her. No, I didn't save the needles... :D

Today's been a day filled with pollen in the air, so my allergy has been not fun... 

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